Carol Rickard:Nationally recognized stress and wellness authority with 13 books published and founder of Well YOUniversity.

Frank Deardurff III : I help Small Business Owners Create, Improve, & Profit from their online business.
Don't Ask Frank About Managing Stress
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In the coming weeks I will be interviewing Carol Live so that she can answer the most asked questions submitted. We are working on finalizing the dates and will notify you with the details. If you chose not to enter your name and email earlier and would like to be notified about the live interview, fill in your details in the form below.
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If you want to be sure that you do not miss the live interview you can purchase the replay and transcripts for a discounted price. Just use the coupon code stressearlybird and save 50% off the $29.97 price of the finished interview.
This will be offered as an MP4 Video, Streaming Video, MP3 Audio and PDF Transcript. We will notify you where to pick up the replay and transcript once it is available.